Ζιζέλ σε πόζα που αφήνει εποχή, Πιρς Μπροσνάν, Μπρούκ Σιλντς - Αναρτήσεις για την Ημέρα της Γης

Παγκόμσια Ημέρα της Γης σήμερα! 

Την Ημέρα της Γης, η οποία γιορτάζεται σε περισσότερες από 190 χώρες σε όλον τον κόσμο, γιορτάζουν πολλοί διάσημοι με μια τους φωτογραφία στο Instagram. 

Από την Ζιζέλ μέχρι και την Μπρούκ Σιλντς αλλά και τον Πιρς Μπροσνάν. 


A wise friend of mine gave me a simple yet profound explanation for what is happening today with our planet. “Any living thing that loses one-third of its skin suffers a high fever and is at great risk of dying. This is what is happening to the earth: it has lost one-third of its skin—the trees, the soil, and all the biodiversity surrounding it. Yet instead of helping to regenerate and replenish what has been stripped away, we keep on pillaging and ravaging her.” If someone is sick, you don’t keep doing things that make them sicker, you help them heal! Many people take the soil, the food, the water, the air, and all the gifts that she provides us for granted. Many more believe we are entitled to just take and take from her without a thought of nourishing her back. We’re not! The Earth has been giving us clear signs that we must change our ways. There needs to be balance between how much we need for our survival and how much we need to give back. If we want to thrive, it’s time we take responsibility, change our ways, and start honoring this planet that sustains all of our lives. This is our only home. #earthday ? Um sábio amigo me deu uma explicação simples e profunda sobre o que está acontecendo com o nosso planeta. “Qualquer coisa viva que perca um terço de sua pele sofre com febre alta e corre grande risco de morrer.  E é isso que está acontecendo com a terra que já perdeu um terço de sua pele — as árvores, o solo, o oceano e a biodiversidade que a cerca. Mesmo assim, em vez de ajudar a plantar e restaurar o que foi arrancado, nós continuamos saqueando e destruindo”. Se alguém está doente não seguimos fazendo coisas para deixá-lo mais doente, nós tentamos ajudar! Muitas pessoas não dão o devido valor ao planeta, aos alimentos que comemos e à água que bebemos. Muitos acreditam que temos o direito de nos apropriar de tudo o que a natureza tem a oferecer. Mas não temos! A Terra tem nos dado sinais claros de que devemos mudar o que estamos fazendo. Se quisermos prosperar, é hora de tomar responsabilidade, arregaçar as mangas, fazer algo para ajudar, e começar a honrar este planeta que sustenta todas as nossas vidas. Esta é a nossa única casa. #diadaterra

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Gisele Bündchen (@gisele) στις


Happy #EarthDay ? let’s keep this planet beautiful ?

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Brooke Shields (@brookeshields) στις

Η έμπνευση του θεσμού της Ημέρας της Γης αποδίδεται στον ακτιβιστή Τζον ΜακΚόννελλ το 1969, σε ένα Συνέδριο της UNESCO στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο. Εκδηλώσεις έλαβαν χώρα για πρώτη φορά στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο και άλλες πόλεις στις 21 Μαρτίου 1970, ημέρα της εαρινής ισημερίας.


Earth day ❤️

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Pierce Brosnan (@piercebrosnanofficial) στις


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