Στα 103 έφυγε από την ζωή ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας - Ο μύθος του Χόλιγουντ ήταν περήφανος για τον Σπάρτακο περισσότερο από όλους τους ρόλους του (φωτό & βίντεο)

Πέθανε στα 103 του χρόνια ο θρύλος του Χόλιγουντ Κερκ Ντάγκλας.


Ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας, ηθοποιός, παραγωγός και σκηνοθέτης του θεάτρου και του κινηματογράφου, εμβληματική μορφή μιας χρυσής εποχής για το Χόλιγουντ, πολλές ερμηνείες του οποίου θεωρούνται κλασικές, όπως αυτή στην ταινία Σπάρτακος (1960, σε σκηνοθεσία Στάνλεϊ Κιούμπρικ), πέθανε χθες Τετάρτη σε ηλικία 103 ετών, ανακοίνωσε ο γιος του, ο Μάικλ Ντάγκλας, επίσης διάσημος ηθοποιός.

Above, Kirk Douglas, who has died at age 103, in the character he is most famous for: Spartacus, a slave who rebels against the Romans in the historical drama of the same name. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, the 1960 film was both a commercial and critical success, and was produced by Douglas' company

Kirk Douglas, above, with his family. He married twice. His first wife, Diana Dill, was a fellow drama student and actor that he married on November 2, 1943. They had two sons together: Michael, who is now a famous actor in his own right, and Joel. They divorced in 1951. Three years later, he married Anne Buydens on May 29, 1954, and they also had two sons: Peter and Eric, and were married for 65 years. Above from left to right, Kirk, Jason, Dylan, Michael, Anne, Carys, Kelsey, Peter, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Joel, Lisa, Viviane, Cameron and Lua

Ο θρύλος της έβδομης τέχνης είχε αντιμετωπίσει σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας από τη δεκαετία του 1990 και μετά. Υπέστη εγκεφαλικό το 1996 και καρδιακή προσβολή το 2001.Από αυτό νεκρώθηκαν ορισμένα εγκεγφαλικά κύτταρα. 

Kirk and Anne Douglas met in Paris in 1953 while he was filming an Act of Love. She initially spurned both his job offer and his invitation to dinner, but eventually Anne Buydens agreed to work for Kirk Douglas, already a movie star. The couple were married on May 29, 1954 and were together for 65 years. Above, the pair on May 4, 2017 in celebration of the 25th anniversary for the Anne Douglas Center, which helps homeless women, at the Los Angeles Mission



Ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας έπαιξε τις επτά δεκαετίες της καριέρας του σε περίπου εκατό ταινίες, ανάμεσά τους στη μεταφορά του βιβλίου Είκοσι χιλιάδες λεύγες κάτω από τη θάλασσα του Ιουλίου Βερν (1954), αλλά και φιλμ γουέστερν, δραματικές, αστυνομικές, πολεμικές ταινίες, πολύ συχνά στον ρόλο του σκληρού.

Kirk Douglas dedicated his 2007 book, Let's Face It, to his grandchildren: Cameron, Kelsey, Ryan, Tyler, Dylan, Carys and Jason. He wrote that they call him 'Pappy,' and his wife, Anne, 'Oma,' which is German for grandmother. (Anne was born in Hanover, Germany.) Above, Cameron, Kirk, and Michael on November 6, 2018 during the unveiling of Michael's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Cameron Douglas acted with both his father and grandfather in the 2003 movie, It Runs in the Family. Cameron struggled with drugs and served seven years in federal prison for pleading guilty to charges that included heroin possession

Kirk Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch on December 9, 1916 in Amsterdam, New York, the fourth child and only son for his mother, Bryna, and his father, Herschel 'Harry' Danielovitch. Douglas' father had immigrated to America in 1910 from Russia to escape the pogroms. Above, Douglas with his mother, Bryna, in an undated photo. He later named his production company after her, which produced such hits as 1960's Spartacus

Ο Κερκ και η μητέρα του

Before he entered kindergarten, Douglas only spoke Yiddish but quickly learned English – and the perks of performing. 'When I recited a poem about the red robin of spring, everyone clapped. I took my first bow before an audience. I loved it,' he recalled. 'By second grade I was a seasoned pro, milking my title role of the shoemaker in The Shoemaker and the Elves.' Above, Douglas with his eldest son, Michael, sometime in 1949

Douglas wrote that he grew up in 'abject poverty,' and that his father collected rags, scrap metal and junk. While his mother, who took care of seven children, was always working, his Pa 'was no help. Almost all his daily take was spent at his favorite bar, Bogie's. He rarely came home for dinner. He never seemed to care whether we had food on the table or went to bed hungry,' he wrote in his 2007 book, Let's Face It. Above, Douglas with his first wife, Diana Dill, in February 1950

Before he entered kindergarten, Douglas only spoke Yiddish but quickly learned English – and the perks of performing. 'When I recited a poem about the red robin of spring, everyone clapped. I took my first bow before an audience. I loved it,' he recalled. 'By second grade I was a seasoned pro, milking my title role of the shoemaker in The Shoemaker and the Elves.' Above, Douglas with his eldest son, Michael, sometime in 1949

«Με τεράστια θλίψη τα αδέλφια μου και εγώ ανακοινώνουμε ότι ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας μας άφησε (...) σε ηλικία 103 ετών. Για τον κόσμο, ήταν ένας θρύλος, ένας ηθοποιός της χρυσής εποχής των κινηματογραφικών ταινιών (...), ένας ανθρωπιστής η δέσμευση του οποίου στη δικαιοσύνη και στις υποθέσεις στις οποίες πίστευε τον μετέτρεψαν σε πρότυπο και πηγή έμπνευσης για όλους μας», πάντως «για εμένα και τ’ αδέρφια μου, τον Τζόελ και τον Πίτερ, ήταν απλά ο μπαμπάς», ανέφερε ο Μάικλ Ντάγκλας σε ανακοίνωση που δημοσιοποίησε.



Douglas and Diana Dill met while they were students at the prestigious American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. They got married on November 2, 1943 after he joined the US Navy. 'We become swept up in the romance of wartime and the fear that I might die in combat,' he wrote. They had two sons together, Michael, who was born on September 25, 1944, and Joel on January 23, 1947. Above, Douglas looks at his son Michael while Diana Dill holds their son, Joel, in 1947

Ο Κερκ και η πρώτη του σύζυγος

Diana Dill and Douglas divorced 'amicably' in February 1951, and Douglas wrote that 'she and I realized that we were not right for each other.' While Diana and their two sons, Michael and Joel, moved back to live in New York, Douglas stayed in California. The pair worked together after their divorce in 1955's The Indian Fighter and 2003's It Runs in the Family. He met his second wife, Anne Buydens, while filming an Act of Love in Paris in 1953. Above, the couple in 1965

In Paris, Anne met Douglas for what she called a courtesy interview as he was looking for someone to handle his publicity. Douglas, already a star, had 'gotten quite a reputation in his first few weeks in town. The press had dubbed him Le Brute Cheri, the darling brute, and he was photographed with a succession of stunning women,' she wrote. He offered her the job but she turned him down, and then doubled his consternation by also declining his dinner invitation. Above, the couple with their son, Peter, for his first birthday party on November 23, 1956

Μεγάλος γυναικάς, ο Ντάγκλας είχε διάφορες κατακτήσεις αλλά ζούσε από το 1954 με την ίδια γυναίκα, την Αν Μπάιντενς, την οποία είχε συναντήσει στη Γαλλία κι έγινε η δεύτερη σύζυγός του.

Ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας, γιος εβραίων μεταναστών από τη Λευκορωσία, είχε γίνει γνωστός για το εκρηκτικό στιλ πολλών ερμηνειών του, διότι αποτύπωνε στη μεγάλη οθόνη ιδίως το αίσθημα της οργής και της εξέγερσης εναντίον «της αδικίας», όπως έλεγε ο ίδιος. Μετατράπηκε σε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα αστέρια της κινηματογραφικής βιομηχανίας τις δεκαετίες του 1950 και του 1960 σύμφωνα με το ΑΠΕ.

'She finally agreed to work with me on a trial basis, making it clear our relationship was strictly business,' Douglas wrote. 'With no romance in the picture, I stopped trying to impress Anne.' Instead, they talked. 'I was fascinated by Anne and more than a little in love with her.' The couple sometime in 1958 with their second son, Eric, who was born on June 21, 1958

Kirk Douglas had four sons: Michael and Joel with his first wife, Diana Dill, and then Peter and Eric with his wife of 65 years, Anne Buydens. Above, Douglas, lifts his sons, Joel, on the left, and Michael, on the right, sometime in 1955

Πρωταγωνίστησε επίσης στην προσπάθεια να σπάσει η λεγόμενη «μαύρη λίστα» στο Χόλιγουντ, ο αποκλεισμός ηθοποιών, σκηνοθετών και σεναριογράφων διότι συνδέονταν με το κομμουνιστικό κίνημα ή θεωρούνταν συμπαθούντες και συνοδοιπόροι τη δεκαετία του 1950. Ο ίδιος είχε εξομολογηθεί πως αισθανόταν μεγαλύτερη υπερηφάνεια για αυτό, παρά για οποιονδήποτε ρόλο του.

In his foreword for the 2017, book Kirk and Anne, Michael Douglas called his stepmother, Anne, a lioness. 'She's used it to take care of all of us, especially my father. I remember as a young boy, after my father and my mother Diana divorced, not only did Anne treat my brother Joel and I was though we were always family, she invariably showed great love and respect to our mother.' Above, from left to right, Michael, Eric, Anne, Douglas, Peter and Joel in 1965

Kirk Douglas made his film debut in 1946's The Strange Love of Martha Ivers. Afterward, he was offered a role in a big-budget flick with stars Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner, but turned it down, he wrote, 'to play a boxer in the small-budget picture Champion. I got an Oscar nomination and became a star. I couldn't resist playing a role that reflected so much of my life. The announcer at ringside, looking at me, says, "From the depths of poverty he became champion of the world!"' Above, Douglas, who played Midge Kelly, in a still from the 1949 film

Είναι γνωστός για τις ταινίες: Αμάρτημα του Παρελθόντος (Out of the Past, 1947), Φλογισμένα Πάθη (Champion, 1949), Αστυνομική Ιστορία (Detective Story , 1951), Το Τελευταίο Ατού (Ace in the Hole, 1951), Η Ωραία και το Κτήνος (The Bad and the Beautiful, 1952), 20 Χιλιάδες Λεύγες Υπό την Θάλασσα (20000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954), Η ζωή ενός ανθρώπου (Lust for Life, 1956), Σταυροί στο Μέτωπο (Paths of Glory, 1957), Σπάρτακος (Spartacus, 1960) και Επτά Ημέρες του Μαΐου (Seven Days in May, 1964).


Προτάθηκε τρεις φορές για Όσκαρ Α' Ανδρικού Ρόλου χωρίς να το κερδίσει ποτέ και το 1995 η Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Κινηματογραφικών Τεχνών και Επιστημών του απένειμε Τιμητικό Όσκαρ για τα 50 χρόνια παρουσίας ως δημιουργική και ηθική δύναμη στον κόσμο του κινηματογράφου.

In 1951's Ace in the Hole, Douglas, above, plays Chuck Tatum, a newspaper reporter looking to get back into the game after he lost his job in New York City due to his drinking. He ends up in New Mexico and works to regain his footing. Billy Wilder wrote, produced and directed the film, which was initially panned but later was reappraised

Above, Douglas and co-star Lana Turner in The Bad and the Beautiful. The 1952 film was directed by Vincente Minnelli - Liza's father who was known for such movies as Meet Me in St Louis. Douglas plays Jonathan Shields, a ruthless film producer who tries to convinces Turner’s character, movie star Georgia Lorrison, to be part of his next project. Douglas was nominated for a second Academy Award for his performance in the film

Above, Douglas, center, with co-stars Paul Lukas, left, and Peter Lorre, right, in Disney’s 1954 movie, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The film adaption of the Jules Verne novel was produced by Walt Disney and was a hit at the box office and with critics. Douglas played sailor Ned Land



Kirk Douglas with Marilyn Maxwell in 1949's Champion

Έχει επίσης βραβευτεί από το Αμερικανικό Ινστιτούτο Κινηματογράφου με βραβείο προσφοράς στην 7η τέχνη και το 1999 το Αμερικανικό Ινστιτούτο Κινηματογράφου τον κατέταξε στη 17η θέση της λίστας με τους μεγαλύτερους αστέρες όλων των εποχών.

Much depended on Spartacus, the 1960 historical hit drama in which Douglas played the title role, above. Price Waterhouse had audited Douglas' books and discovered that the movie star had no money in the bank and he owed the Internal Revenue Service $750,000, (over $6.6 million in today's money.) Sam Norton, whom Douglas described as his 'best friend, lawyer, and business manager,' had power of attorney. 'I made some twenty-seven pictures with Sam in charge of my income. He became a wealthy man. I was broke and in debt,' he wrote. Spartacus was a success and Douglas wrote that it 'is still the film most associated with me'

Above, Douglas with Burt Lancaster in Seven Days in May, a film from 1964. They were in several films together including Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in which Douglas played Doc Holliday and Lancaster portrayed Wyatt Earp. Both actors formed production companies. 'We both knew the studio system was rigged against us; we wanted the freedom to choose our projects – whether or not they were deemed commercial,' Douglas wrote



Ο Ντάγκλας υπήρξε παντρεμένος από το 1944 μέχρι το 1951 με την Νταϊάνα Ντιλ με την οποία απέκτησε δυο γιους τον Μάικλ και τον Τζόελ. Ο μεγαλύτερος του υιός, ο Μάικλ Ντάγκλας είναι επίσης ηθοποιός. Ξαναπαντρεύτηκε το 1954 με την Αν Μπάιντενς με την οποία έμεινε παντρεμένος μέχρι τον θάνατό του και με την οποία έχει αποκτήσει άλλους δυο γιους, τον Πίτερ και τον Έρικ. Ο Έρικ Ντάγκλας πέθανε από χρήση ναρκωτικών το 2004.

Growing up, Michael visited his dad Kirk on set. In his 2007 book, Let’s Face It, Douglas recalled how Michael and his other son, Joel, came to the set of Cast a Giant Shadow, which was filming in Israel. The movie, which was released in 1966, also starred Yul Brynner, Frank Sinatra, John Wayne and Angie Dickinson. He wrote: Michael 'dressed in an Israeli army uniform and we used him in shots of jeeps climbing the rugged mountain terrain.' Above, Kirk and Michael on the set of Hail, Hero! The movie, which was released in 1969, earned Michael a Golden Globe nomination

Michael Douglas' star skyrocketed in the 1980s with a string of hits that included Romancing the Stone, which was released in 1984, as well as Fatal Attraction and Wall Street in 1987. He married Diandra Luker in 1977 and they had one son, Cameron. They divorced in 2000. Above, Kirk, Diandra, Cameron, Anne and Michael Douglas at a Red Cross award ceremony in late 1991 in New York City

Kirk Douglas was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar three times: for his portrayal of boxer Midge Kelly in 1949's Champion, playing producer Jonathan Shields in 1952's The Bad and the Beautiful, and embodying tortured artist Vincent van Gogh in 1956's Lust for Life. He did not win, but in 1996, Douglas was awarded an honorary Oscar for his decades-long career. Above, director Steven Spielberg, who presented the award, and Douglas with his Oscar

Kirk Douglas, center, with his four sons after he was awarded an honorary Oscar for his body of work in 1996. From left to right: Michael, Joel, Kirk, Eric and Peter

Το 1964, ο Κερκ Ντάγκλας περιόδευσε σε ελληνικά χωριά ως πρεσβευτής καλής θελήσεως. Απεσταλμένος του Σχεδίου Μαθητικών Συσσιτίων επισκέφτηκε σχολεία, μίλησε και για τη δική του παιδική ηλικία, τονίζοντας ότι και εκείνος έπαιρνε σχολικό συσσίτιο, και για "το χρέος της ανθρωπότητας στον ελληνικό πολιτισμό".

Kirk Douglas' first movie came out in 1946 and he acted with many of Hollywood's Golden Age stars, such as Tony Curtis, left, with Douglas, right, in March 1999. Douglas and Curtis starred in the 1960 hit Spartacus as well as The Vikings, which was released in 1958, and The List of Adrian Messenger, which was released in 1963. Curtis, who is known for the 1959 movie, Some Like It Hot, with Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe, is also the father of Jamie Lee Curtis. Tony Curtis died in 2010 at the age of 85

After divorcing Diandra Luker in 2000, Michael Douglas married Catherine Zeta-Jones in November 2000. The couple have two children together: Dylan, born on August 8, 2000, and Carys, born on April 20, 2003. Above, Kirk, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael, and Anne Douglas in August 1999 in Beverly Hills

Above, a movie poster for It Runs in the Family, which was released in 2003. The film stars Cameron Douglas, with bandanna, Kirk Douglas, seated, with his ex-wife, Diana Dill next to him. Douglas and Dill had two sons, including Michael, standing. The film also stars Rory Culkin and Bernadette Peters. Michael's son, Cameron, appeared in three other films. He struggled with drugs, and in 2010, pleaded guilty to heroin possession and conspiracy to distribute drugs. He served seven years in federal prison, and chronicled his addiction in the memoir, Long Way Home. Cameron has a daughter named Lua with his partner Viviane Thibes

The Douglas clan with Jack Valenti in October 2004 after a street-naming ceremony for Kirk in Palm Springs. From left: Valenti, Michael, Peter with his two sons, Ryan and Tyler, Kirk, Anne, Joel and his wife Jo Ann. Valenti, who at one time was a special assistant to President Lyndon B Johnson and Douglas were longtime friends. Valenti died in 2007 at age 85

Οι δημοσιογράφοι τον βρήκαν προσηνή και ευφυή. Στην Αθήνα συνομίλησε με τους φοιτητές στο πανεπιστήμιο, έδωσε διαλέξεις, φωτογραφήθηκε με τη γυναίκα του στην Ακρόπολη και αποχώρησε ύστερα από ολιγοήμερη παραμονή

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