Αμόκ έπαθαν δύο νεαροί Βρετανοί & σκότωσαν με 100 σπαθιές τον φύλακα ενός εργοστασίου - "Αποκεφάλισέ τον" φώναζε ο 16χρονος (φωτό - βίντεο)

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Δύο νεαροί Βρετανοί, ο 18χρονος Kiyran Earnshaw και ο 16χρονος Luke Gaukroger είναι οι δράστες της στυγερής δολοφονίας του 53χρονου Robert Wilson. 

Οι δύο δράστες καταδικάστηκαν σε φυλάκιση για τον φόνο με 100 σπαθιές, του άτυχου πατέρα δύο παιδιών. 

Στον 18χρονο επιβλήθηκε ελάχιστη ποινή κάθειρξης 22 ετών και στον 16χρονο ποινή 16 ετών και 8 μηνών. 

Όπως αναφέρει η Daily Mail, το θύμα μαζί με τον συνάδελφό του, John Badejo, βρίσκονταν έξω από το εργοστάσιο όπου εργάζονταν, όταν είδαν τους δύο νεαρούς, τους οποίους, μάλιστα και βοήθησαν, καθώς ο ένας υποστήριξε πως είχε χάσει το κινητό του τηλέφωνο, το οποίο και έψαχνε.

Όλα συνέβησαν στην πόλη Huddersfield του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, έξω από το εργοστάσιο φαρμακευτικών ειδών "Thornton and Ross". 

Οι δύο εργαζόμενοι του εργοστασίου προειδοποίησαν τους δύο νέους πως παραβιάζουν τα όρια και βρίσκονται σε χώρο, που δεν θα έπρεπε να είναι, ενώ τους κάλεσαν να φύγουν πριν φτάσει η Αστυνομία.

Τότε, οι νεαροί δράστες έπαθαν αμόκ, με τον 18χρονο να βγάζει ένα σπαθί Σαμουράι, με το οποίο επιτέθηκαν στον άτυχο 53χρονο, χτυπώντας τον βίαια περί τις 100 φορές!

The widow of a father-of-two have said his drug-addled teenage killers 'do not deserve a place in society,' after they were jailed for life for hacking him 100 times with a samurai sword and trying to cut his head off - after he confronted them for trespassing outside his work. Kiyran Earnshaw, 18, and Luke Gaukroger, 16, have been sentenced at Leeds Crown Court to minimum terms of 22 years and 16 years, eight months respectively. The teenagers were confronted by the wife of their victim, Robert Wilson during the trial who asked them 'How on earth have we come to this'. CCTV footage, played in court, showed how Mr Wilson, 53, was investigating youths hanging around outside the Thornton and Ross pharmaceutical plant in Huddersfield, West Yorks. He and colleague John Badejo warned them they were trespassing and should go before police arrived. The youths said they had lost a phone and the two men even tried to help them before the brutal violence exploded. Earnhsaw reached into his jogging bottoms and pulled out a 20ins sword he used to savagely attack Mr Wilson. He passed it to his young accomplice Gaukroger - who wrote a pathetic rap about the killing - and at one point both tried to decapitate their helpless victim. Audio recorded from Mr Wilson's phone call to a security firm captured the younger of the two - who was 15 at the time - shouting 'get his head, I want to cut his head, Kia I want to cut his head'. His wife Elaine paid tribute to the 'much loved husband, stepfather, brother, uncle and friend,' after the sentencing. She then added: 'The hardest part of losing Robert has been the manner in which he lost his life. That he had such a horrific death has been hard to bear for us. Kiyran Earnshaw, 18 +7 Luke Gaukroger, 16 +7 Kiyran Earnshaw, 18, and Luke Gaukroger, 16, have both been jailed for life over the brutal murder of married father-of-two Robert Wilson West Yorkshire Police released a picture showing the shocking length of the Samurai sword used in the horrific murder +7 West Yorkshire Police released a picture showing the shocking length of the Samurai sword used in the horrific murder Robert Wilson, 53, was brutally attacked after going outside to investigate youths outside a factory in Huddersfield in January +7 Robert Wilson, 53, was brutally attacked after going outside to investigate youths outside a factory in Huddersfield in January Speaking after the teenagers' were sentenced, Robert's widow Elaine Wilson said: 'What they did is incomprehensible to any "normal" human being and they do not deserve a place in society' +7 Speaking after the teenagers' were sentenced, Robert's widow Elaine Wilson said: 'What they did is incomprehensible to any "normal" human being and they do not deserve a place in society' Killer's pathetic rap boast Gaukroger wrote pathetic rap boasts of his crime after being charged with murdering Mr Wilson: Now I'm sitting in jail forgetting 'bout all you Necks on the road all of you think you're bad but you ain't bad on your own Step up into my zone, I'll Show you that I'm on smoke. I'll be dishing out multiple pokes, you won't like me when I'm mad likeHulk bro I'll show you my maximum smoke blade went in and out, made him choke Pupils dilate like he's on coke, the last sound he made is a croak I heard him struggling for his last breath when he gave up, said wag warn to death I was still stabbing up the guy's chest, laughing cos my knife work the best Sammy made the Don hit the deck, no cap man. Was chopping at his neck, us man almost detatched his head Can only imagine how much he bleed over 100 wounds up his body, that's what fed told me n My Donny OML I'm spitting the truth I don't tell no lies in the booth 'We have tried to look for positives and are thankful that it was only one life that was taken, it could quite easily have been more. 'We are just so glad that these youths are now off our streets as they obviously have no regard for anyone. 'To do what they did is incomprehensible to any "normal" human being and they do not deserve a place in society. The recording, also played in court, captured the night shift supervisor's pleas to the youths to stop their attack. Leeds Crown Court heard that Mr Wilson was married with two grown-up children and enjoyed gardening, golf and walking in the Yorkshire Dales. His wife Elaine told the court his death was 'completely incomprehensible', adding: 'How on earth have we come to this and why?' She said she was sickened to receive a letter from one of the defendants saying it was the 'worse night of my life and 'I'm sorry''. She told the judge she had been shocked to 'feel so much hate'. She said to the defendants: 'I want you to know you have taken the life of a much respected, admired and good man.' Peter Makepeace QC, prosecuting, told the court that Earnshaw started the attack after producing the blue sword from inside his tracksuit bottoms. After he started raining blows on Mr Wilson, the younger teenager was heard repeatedly shouting: 'Pass me the shank, pass me the shank.' After multiple blows and kicks to Mr Wilson, Earnshaw passed the sword to Gaukroger, who can be identified after the judge lifted reporting restrictions following a submission by the media. Mr Makepeace said the pair paused at one point to catch their breath and to rifle through Mr Wilson's pockets, taking his coat. The prosecutor said that, after they resume the attack, 'Earnshaw and Gaukroger together holding the sword and crouching to the upper body then seem to make a concerted effort to saw the head from the shoulders'. 'Both then jointly stab the upper body using their combined force.'

Μάλιστα, όπως αποδεικνύεται από ηχογραφημένο μήνυμα που βρέθηκε στο κινητό τηλέφωνο του θύματος, οι δύο έφηβοι επιχείρησαν ακόμη και να αποκεφαλίσουν τον άτυχο Wilson. 

«Πάρ' του το κεφάλι! Θέλω να κόψω το κεφάλι του, Kia, θέλω να κόψω το κεφάλι του» ακούγεται να λέει ο ο 15χρονος τότε, Luke Gaukroger.

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