Stella McCartney: Η νέα καμπάνια της με γυναίκες που είχαν καρκίνο & έκαναν αφαίρεση στήθους - Το ειδικό σουτιέν της μαστεκτομής

Γυναίκες δείχνουν τα σημάδια της μαστεκτομής τους...

Ο Οκτώβρη είναι ο μήνας που είναι αφιερωμένος στον καρκίνο του μαστού. 

Η Stella McCartney συνεργάστηκε με τη βραβευμένη με Πούλιτζερ φωτορεπορτερ Lynsey Addario για μια συγκλονιστική καμπάνια για τον καρκίνο του μαστού.



Caroline Boore, (@carolineboore) 37 years old.  Diagnosed in November 2017, when she was 34 years old with stage 2 grade 3b inflammatory breast cancer. She underwent 4 rounds of EC chemotherapy every 3 weeks, then 4 rounds of Paclitaxel chemotherapy every other week. Caroline had a simple mastectomy in June 2018; during her operation, the doctors found that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes,  so she had a full node clearance.  Caroline was almost a year clear of cancer when she felt pain in her lower back.  Following a full MRI, she was  diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in September 2019. The cancer has spread to her spine. “And during my treatment and my time, I've learnt a lot. I've learned a lot about me. I think my message [to others] would be it's quite a long one:  you can do it. You don't think you can do it. You don't think you can cope with it. You don't, you think your world has ended. It's not, there is hundreds of thousands of women and men just like you. We are all here.” “These last few years have been some of the most challenging I've ever faced. It's been a tough journey. I've changed so much from the person I used to be. I'm so proud of the strong, confident, positive woman I have become.” In a letter to her mother, Caroline writes, “Through you, I've learned I am capable of anything. I live my life to the fullest. I make sure every second minute, hour and day counts. I can do this. I have got this. Whatever gets thrown at me, I can deal with it with you by my side. I always look to the positives in life. I continually fight forwards. I've learned to respect my scars, embrace them with pride. I am a fighter. I have got this. I can do this.” It was an honor to work with my inspiring friend @stellamccartney on her Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2020, ‘A Message to Our Loved Ones’. We featured 12 remarkable breast cancer survivors from across the UK for Stella’s annual campaign, accompanied by a powerful video by documentary filmmaker, @aliceaedy. The women shared their stories and letters while bravely baring their souls and scars at home during the pandemic, some wearing Stella’s mastectomy bras. @stellamccartney

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Lynsey Addario (@lynseyaddario) στις


Πέρυσι η διάσημη σχεδιάστρια σχεδίασε ένα αθλητικό σουτιέν, αφιερωμένο στη μητέρα της και στις γυναίκες με μαστεκτομή.



Αυτή τη φορά, η ίδια δημιούργησε μια συγκλονιστική καμπάνια, όπου γυναίκες που πέρασαν καρκίνο του μαστού ή βρίσκονται σε διαδικασία θεραπείας φωτογραφίζονται δείχνοντας περήφανες τα σημάδια που άφησε στο σώμα τους.



Η καμπάνια λέγεται «A letter to my loved One’s» και περιλαμβάνει ένα χειρόγραφο γράμμα από τις ίδιες στα αγαπημένα τους πρόσωπα: τη μητέρα τους, τα παιδιά τους ή συνολικά τους ανθρώπους που αγαπούν, όπου περιγράφουν τις σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματά τους από τη στιγμή που διαγνώστηκαν με καρκίνo αναφέρει η Metro.



Emma Campbell (@limitless_em) is a 49 year old writer. She was 39 when she was diagnosed in 2010 after discovering a lump under her armpit. She was a newly single mom to six-month old triplets and a six year old son and went through six months of chemotherapy to shrink the large tumour in her breast followed by a mastectomy, radiotherapy and hormone treatment.  At the end of 2014 after four years of remission, Emma was told that her cancer had returned - this time in her skin. She was given chemotherapy once more, went back into remission and continued on regular 'maintenance' treatment until early in 2019 when her cancer progressed once more.  Following last year's lung surgery and a second mastectomy, Emma is, once again, in remission and doing well whilst continuing regular targeted chemotherapy. She recently completed the virtual London Marathon and feels incredibly lucky to be in such a stable and positive place. Emma said, “Cancer has shown me how incredibly strong I am. Cancer has taught me resilience. Cancer has brought my life into sharp, vivid, technicolour focus. I see life clearly know. I know what matters…I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m doing it” It was an honor to work with my inspiring friend @stellamccartney on her Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2020, ‘A Message to Our Loved Ones’. We featured 12 remarkable breast cancer survivors from across the UK for Stella’s annual campaign, accompanied by a powerful video by documentary filmmaker, @aliceaedy. The women shared their stories and letters while bravely baring their souls and scars at home during the pandemic, some wearing Stella’s mastectomy bras. With this campaign, we wanted to fight the stigma or mastectomies, and I hope that this campaign plays a role in achieving that through the inspiring strength of these women.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Lynsey Addario (@lynseyaddario) στις


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